Thursday, October 1, 2009

Art, Stress and Love

Art is powerful, awe inspiring magic. Creation of shared experiences through the medium of poetry, song, or any other artistic endeavor is divine.

Shared a beautiful day of artistic expression with cherished ones today. I have been blessed yet again. Enriched by the favorite music, by the poetry and the love.

So enriched I, that although I am yet unemployed and feeling trapped, I am at peace.


Every step of this journey is made with the loving support of my peers.

I sojourn in Baltimore. The jobs just are not responding. I am beginning to seriously question wether I should search in markets further afar from this stop on my journey. I have applied to hundreds of jobs. Hundreds n hundreds. With no results. If this continues, I will lose my car and I fear I will bring loved ones down with me...

The time is rapidly coming to a point where difficult decisions will need to be made...

In the end, I will follow my heart....

In the recent past, my heart has been torn apart and healed; demolished and rebuilt. The resulting effect?

I KNOW I am loved... I FEEL it, palpable, heady brew.

Discovered this week that in letting go, a relationship got better... is it enough?

More to follow...

Thank you Loves


  1. Kiera,

    Yes I AGREE, art is really powerful. People find you in it, you find them, you find one another--if you or they are generous enough. It has been a blessing to get to know your work, a comfort and renewal in ways no one can predict because I think your work goes deep enough, in the least. It doesn't linger above real feeling in safety, and that moves me. It carries you along on your ride, making you want to listen to all else.

    For a moment I am released from my life, but can look back and see it clearer...most times with insights from yours.

    I know being out of work is tough, I am too (released in a less than honorable way than for I held the individuals that I worked for). It was eye-opening and hurtful made excruciating, when I couldn't drum up even an interview. But interacting with you, whether reading your works or chatting with you has been a continual source of calm and grace. Because of who you are and what I know you to be capable of, it has also helped me learn, hard times is a part of life. No matter what everyone else pretends at.

    As for the letting go part, I did that with someone just before my first blog on here. In fact, the first poem tells the disaster. However, with distance, it refines you...a gift horse, one could never guess at. You are incredible, one day someone will love you with all they have, no questions within. I know that because of who I experience here.

    They will experience it too, and more because of your dynamic....and they will be sold. Look how your friends are. There is nothing ordinary about you, and those with eyes & hearts open will get it.

    I just hope you'll be strong enough to cut your losses if that is what serves the spirit of Kiera best. We disappear a little in misery.

  2. Every time you bless me with comments it is sooooo uplifting. You make me want to be better than I feel at times. Thank you, thank you, a million thank you's every day till the end of time.
