Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blah blah blah

So today feels wasted...

Yesterday I applied to 16 different places which made me feel quite productive... today... I... played mindless games on facebook.

My sleep schedule is off... went to bed at 4:30 AM... slept 4 hours got up... and logged on the computer... haven't really left it...

Aargh... I have too much time on my hands and have not done anything productive... hate how this makes me feel. The depression I am constantly fighting gained ground on me today...

So in order to make a token effort towards a productive action... I am writing this...

I made a commitment to write... and well even if I don't feel like it... Here it is...

Got into a little discussion on facebook today... I will post it, changing the names for privacy...

Aquaintence 1



Kiera Leanne
Michael Savage is an intelligent but harmful person when it comes to the GLBT community. While I do think that talk radio should be unregulated and free speech protected. I will not support anything through the channels of this hate monger.
Yesterday at 9:28pm · Delete

Random Person:
Amen to the response above. 19 hours ago

Aquaintance 1: I am sorry that you feel that way about him but you are entitled to your own opinion and I respect that.
19 hours ago

Random Person 2: you like Michael Savage???? and you do not like Obama???? I didn't know we had so much in common!!! It's just funny how everyone could say so many bad things about a republican president, but once you say bad things about Obama... out comes censorship and the racial card.
17 hours ago

Kiera Leanne
Please read my statement carefully... where did it mention Obama? Where did it mention race? Where did it mention censorship? Where did it mention republicans? The only thing which is deplored is Michael Savage himself, he is a hate monger. This is fact, he has stated in his show that America "is being taken over by the freaks, the cripples, the perverts and the mental defectives." He calls members of the GLBT community sick degenerates and groups them in the same sentence with bestiality. He makes money by pushing hate. I support free speech and unregulated radio, however... Michael Savage is a thug with a PhD and a microphone regardless of the validity or not of the causes he supports. Unfortunately everything he touches is tainted by his presence.
about an hour ago · Delete

So anyways... ugh... thoughts? Please tell me what you think



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow Kiera,

    I am always so stunned by your writing skill and elated you decided to blog it (getting it out there for the world to see). I truly believe talent like yours can be used for a larger purpose and will be.

    You write with a clarity and depth of understanding I've seen matched by few and glad you directed it at this gentleman in this instance.

    I'm not sure I've heard his show but I visited the site. From the way it is assembled it appears as if it is soliciting any response it can attract and in any ole’ manner. The advertisements and sentiments are poorly assembled with the entire site appearing as it were thrown together. Because of that, I concluded that this man is something of a shock jock.

    I think many people discount such a person's perspective, but there are those who follow education and accomplishment as if the voice of reason, so unfortunately he probably has quite the audience.

    One can only hope that in the world we live in, strides made will not be forgotten by audience members and at some point, few will stir with discomfort at his outdated view…although with the strain most Americans are under financially, vast numbers seem inclined to back-peddle siding with radical conservative beliefs similar to the ones you say Mr. Savage holds.

    As for your job search, your perseverance is admirable. However I also understand how depression can win out without the results we are seeking to produce. All I will say in closing is: you are not alone, it’s tough, it’s looking bleak, but things cannot stay the same forever.

    So, soon…. there has to be, a turn-around.
